Hi, everybody,
Frequent visitors to this site will notice that something has changed. No, we didn’t get our hair done. This space, which used to house a dozen links to Recent Posts has been replaced by a more conventional blog scroll titled Toqueland Wire. (If you’re reading this via a subscription email, you’ll need to visit the site’s homepage to see what I’m describing; if reading on a mobile device, have a look on a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer when you get a chance.)
Going forward, this is where you’ll find both the feature articles and essays that have defined Toqueland since its launch, as well as shorter, sometimes newsier bits (i.e., traditional blog posts). The slideshow up top will continue to highlight a mix of the most recent articles and those dearest to our hearts, and–in a day or two–we’ll have a Greatest Hits section stacked up in the right margin as well. If you follow us via email subscription, or on a mobile device, never fear; all posts will be shared there, just as articles have been since our inception.
Toqueland Wire will give me a place to share more information with you, more often, and more spontaneously. Accordingly, you might want to start checking in more frequently, or simply follow us by any means you like . .. you might even win a prize.
See you in this space tomorrow.
– Andrew