While visiting his hometown of Miami, Florida, during his recent book tour, Andrew finally had the chance to meet and interview with chef Michael Beltran of Ariete, Chug’s Diner, and Eva and The Oyster Bar–all in Coconut Grove. Michael is also the host of the excellent Pan Con Podcast, which you should by all means check out. After years of corresponding by Instagram messages, Andrew and MIchael sat down for a conversation that is shared differently on their two shows: Michael and producer Nicolás Antonio Jiménez (who produced the session, and recorded and mixed the sound) ran the entire two-plus-hour dialogue on Pan Con Podcast. We’re sharing pieces of it here as Special Conversations, starting with this episode about how a chef can stay true to themself while also drawing and satisfying customers. It’s an honest, frank conversation that we think is very timely and entertaining.
Andrew is a writer by trade. If you’d like to support him, there’s no better way than by purchasing his most recent book, The Dish: The Lives and Labor Behind One Plate of Food (October 2023), about all the key people (in the restaurant, on farms, in delivery trucks, etc.) whose stories and work come together in a single restaurant dish.
We’d love if you followed us on Instagram. For Andrew’s writing, dining, and personal adventures, follow along at his personal feed.
Thank you for listening—please don’t hesitate to reach out with any feedback and/or suggestions!