Tomer Blechman’s life has taken him from his native Israel to Los Angeles, the Far East, and finally to New York City. He also naturally progressed from a life of healing to cooking and hospitality, which are for him intertwined. This path has led him to founding three successful Brooklyn ventures: Miss Ada, Theodora, and Thea Bakery. In this deeply personal conversation, Tomer sits down with Andrew to discuss his training, pulling together his first restaurant, and how he stays grounded through it all.
Huge thanks to Andrew Talks to Chefs’ presenting sponsor, meez, the recipe operating software for culinary professionals. Meez powers the Andrew Talks to Chefs podcast as part of the meez Network, featuring a breadth of food and beverage podcasts and newsletters.
This episode is part of the Andrew Talks to Chefs New Episode Holiday Marathon, brought to you by The Dish, Andrew’s most recent book, which just became available in paperback, with a cool new black-and-white cover. Be sure to check it out, and subscribe to the pod wherever you listen so you can keep up with the Marathon and all forthcoming episodes.
Andrew is a writer by trade. If you’d like to support him, there’s no better way than by purchasing his most recent book, The Dish: The Lives and Labor Behind One Plate of Food (October 2023), about all the key people (in the restaurant, on farms, in delivery trucks, etc.) whose stories and work come together in a single restaurant dish.
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For Andrew’s writing, dining, and personal adventures, follow along at his personal feed.
Thank you for listening—please don’t hesitate to reach out with any feedback and/or suggestions!